The duty of fostering vocations rests with the entire Christian community. Look out and encourage and invite. It’s never too early to plant a seed!
Looking for vocations involves keeping a prayerful eye out for men and women who may have a call to the priesthood or religious life.
The desire may seem slight, but we should all take care to recognise and nurture this interest. Our Seeker Group serves those who have an interest and want to know more.
'Encourage one another daily.'
Hebrews 3:13

There is no doubt that, whoever we are, prayer for vocations should be the first way we can all help. There are four main ways that you pray for vocations in the Portsmouth Diocese:
1) Pray our Diocesan Prayer daily, ask your Priest if the community can offer this before Sunday Mass.
2) Pray our 'Diocesan Rosary for Vocations'.
3) Sign up for our monthly prayer newsletter and become part of our network.
4) Offer or arrange for a Holy Hour in your parish.
You can download all of these resources and sign to our Prayer Network mailing list below.

It costs £210,000 for the full 7 years of Priestly formation!
Financial help is needed. As a guide, it costs roughly £85 a day to fund a Seminarian. We have quite a few! Whatever you can give is valued.
We celebrate a Mass in thanksgiving for our benefactors
on or near the Feast of St. Jean Marie Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests.
Your donation would help to directly fund seminary formation and expenses, and the continued vocations promotion work in our diocese.